The Bachelor’s Bride

The Bachelor’s Bride is the story of Thomas Pinckney, the son of Texas Ranger, Brent and Angela Pinckney. His mother died in childbirth and his first five years, it was just him and his grieving father, and Callie a combination nanny, cook and housekeeper. After...

New Mail Order Brides Volume 2

!!! Four books for the price of one!!! A four book anthology of previously published Susan Leigh Carlton ebooks in the New Mail Order Brides series. Nothing left out. Is available on Amazon: New Mail Order Brides Volume 2

All About Sarah

This is a novella of approximately 33,000 words. It is a sweet, poignant love story in the western romance genre. It takes place mainly in 1880-1904 time frame. There is a sin-gle, tastefully written sexual love scene in Chapter 23, on Sarah and Trace’s wedding night....

A Marriage of Convenience

“A Marriage of Convenience” is the first of a ten book series called “The Pinckney’s of Charleston”. Each of the brother’s will have a book based on his exploits and adven-tures. This is a story about a young woman, daughter of a Bos-ton owner of a gentleman’s club...

Susannah’s Texas Love

This is a touching western romance novella of ap-proximately 35,000 words and 143 pages It tells the story of Susannah Parker, a naïve twenty-three year old girl. She has no experience with men and is inexperienced in love. She dreams about those who are nice to her....